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Home Automation

We have a team of specialist home automation professionals who are continually upgrading their knowledge of the products and services available to make your life simpler, with emphasis on seamless home automation and security.

This garden can be completely automated and managed from any location: from you PC, smart phone or tablet you can change the setting on the irrigation system, electric fence and pool pump, as well as many other possibilities

Products available range from:

Remote light controls (for some lights, or the entire home)

Hot water controls (you can turn the HWC on when you arrive at the airport, ensuring a hot shower on arrival).

Assessment and advice of the best data solution to suit your requirements

Wifi connectivity thoughout the property (Wifi access points)

Household management computer server

Home management software controllable from your smart phone or tablet – anywhere, any time.


Our specialist security consultants are all registered with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority), as well as having a personal track record when dealing with @ Ease Properties.

We also research your area to enable us to assess the most effective armed response and security company – to provide your property with the best service in the event of an incident.


We believe that prevention is better than cure, so we will advise on the most suitable security measures to keep you, and your home, safe & secure at all times.

Products ranges:

Alarm systems (Internal & External)

Security gates, Barriers & Garage Door automation

CCTV & remote acces via cell phone or tablet

Access control - can also be managed from your handheld device

Monitoring and armed response

Guard services

Smoke detectors

Electric fencing

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